Super Paradise
According to studies conducted in 2014, 25.6% of the greek homeless population belonged in the “Neo Homeless” class, citizens without permanent residence, out of which 20% was highly educated while also either employed in the tourism and construction sectors or self-employed. This percentage is expected to rise above 30% after 2017. The concepts of ownership and residenship gradually mutate. The mobile parts of a residence become the real “investment” while residenship becomes a highly dynamic -almost exclusively temporary- action as it depends greatly on the fluctuations of the economy.

The general approach followed three rules: preserve the existing dialogue between the Tower and the Flea Market, interfere as little as possible to the existing design and provide open access to everything, by designing constant and uninterrupted flows in the x,y and z axes.

As for the cluster itself, the goal was to cater for all different residents’ profiles (nuclear family, extended family, young professional etc). The permanent elements were kept to the bare minimum, allowing the residents to customize their space according to their own needs and tastes. Curtain rods are strategically placed on the plan as soft divisions, giving full agency to the residents on their own layout. The cluster develops in two floors while its plan is divided in three suggestive zones: the private areas, one on each side, and the common space where the kitchen and stairs are located.